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I'm a developer |

Getting Started

👋 Introduction This is a blog theme created for developers who want to create a pretty, clean and search engine friendly development blog.🏅 PRs and issues are all welcome! 👍 ✨ Features 😛 Biography using Memoji and rotating-text 💅 Code Highlight 🔍 Table of Contents 💬 Comments(Utterances) ⚙️ Easy to configure 🛠 Enhanced SEO & , 📈 Google Analytics …

March 22, 2021
Codeforces Round 605 (Div. 3) My Unofficial Editorial

This Round Sucks… I solved first three problems in about an hour but stuck in problem D. Good Problems though! A. Three Friends Problem Link At first, I was thinking of checking all the number of cases. However, I found a way to solve by sorting to find the first, middle and the last friend. If two of them are staying together, the all of them mo…

December 13, 2019
Codeforces Round 603 (Div. 2) Broken Editorial

Introduction First time writing a Codeforces contest review in English I have been participating in the Codeforces rounds since this October. A. Sweet Problem Problem Link I thought this problem is easy to solve since its scoring is 500. It was tough to find a way to think of how to find the maximum day. My algorithm to find the max day : 1.Sort …

November 30, 2019